Saturday, March 21, 2020

three o'clock on Saturday afternoon

I got gas in my car.
I shopped for groceries.
I am making a chicken broccoli casserole.
I am listening to the beautiful music of Fernando Ortega.
It is Spring...
the light has come back.
I have heard from friends and family today.
the grief seems unbearable to me in these present moments.
It is the time that he died here three weeks ago,
Grief comes quietly and overwhelms before you recognize it.
It is heavy.
It permeates my soul.
There is nothing else to compare this grief to.
They tell me It'll get better but it hasn't yet.

"Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."
Isaiah 53:3

Jesus knows my grief.
Jesus is acquainted (familiar) with grief.
It was His constant companion.
 He understands how I feel. 
This soothes me because He knows that my heart is sad.
 He comforts me with His word.
To Him be all glory and praise forever and ever.


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