Monday, July 27, 2020


It is hot...hotter than hot, but I love it!
What's not to love about summer.

The afternoon thundershowers that come to cool off the earth,
the brilliance of the sun,
the blue of the sky,
the long shadows of the never-ending days.

When I get up in the morning it is starting to get light.
When I go to bed at night, it is still light.
Sleep comes quickly.
It's like I don't want to miss a minute of a summer day.

The flowers are blooming in profusion.
They soak up the water I give them to drink.
My grass needs cutting three days after it is cut.
The trees are in full green.
The birds are singing their songs.
Lizards are everywhere. ☹️

David and Erika worked really hard to find us a place at the beach,
One of my most crowning joys of the summer.
We'll be going soon.
I'll need an umbrella and a chair!
I will spend the day right there.
I will read and fly a kite and take long walks every morning and evening.
I will soak up the sound and the smell of the ocean.
I will listen to the waves pounding on the sand.

Oh summer, you are fleeting.
I can already tell a slight change in the length of your days.
I have been so thankful for the light.
It makes me not be afraid.

I am thankful for summer.
I have always loved!
Stay a little longer this year.
Stay around with your long days and your warmth and your light.
 Things are better in the light.
In heaven there will be no darkness.
I am glad!

🌞 🏖

ps...Amanda is on her way to my house.
She will be here for a few days.
I couldn't be happier!

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