Saturday, July 18, 2020

there's a cake in the oven

It's Saturday again.
We are having church here tomorrow and I am cooking
Sunday dinner.
 I decided to make my Mom's sour cream pound cake.
It is in the oven as I write and I need to be careful to not let it burn.
I get lost when I write and forget to be careful about the time.
This cake is delicious and I have fresh strawberries and real whipped cream to serve with.
I think they look so beautiful in my grandmother's bowl.

I was texting with Amanda earlier and I said,
"I am so glad that I love to cook."
The whole process excites me...
deciding on a menu,
shopping for what I will need,
the actual process of putting everything together to be cooked and served.
There is something soul-satisfying about preparing a meal.
The most wonderful gratification comes from seeing everybody enjoy.
Oh, and did I mention the tablescape?
Beautiful linens and plates and glasses,
flowers and candles even on a regular day make me so happy.

This morning I made lasagna from scratch.
Is there really any other way to enjoy this fabulous dish.
I love going out in the yard to cut fresh herbs to zest it up.
It smelled delicious while I was making it.

Here is the cake in all of its glory.
Maybe a tad too dark around the edges but the inside will melt in the mouth.

So thankful for God's bountiful blessings each day.
He's got me by my right hand.
Sometimes He has to pull me along, but I'm moving and living and learning.
What a joy to "taste and see that the Lord is good."
Psalm 34:8

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