Tuesday, July 7, 2020

notes from bubba

Every now and again I find one...
a little sticky note from my husband because he did things like that.
This one came very early yesterday morning.
It was stuck to Psalm 143 in my Bible.
Note the date...
13 years ago.

I'm sure I read it on June 3, 2007.
I have read it many times since as well, 
but yesterday it really hit home because now Bubba is gone
and it speaks to my broken, fractured heart.

"Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning;
For I trust in You;
Teach me the way in which I should walk:
For to You I lift up my soul."
Psalm 143:8

And this...

"Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;
Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
For the sake of Your name, O Lord,
Revive me."
(bring me back to life)
Psalm 143:11

Messages from heaven to earth via God's precious word.
Thank you Bubba for how well you love me,
then and now.

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