Wednesday, October 14, 2020

3 poster bed

I had always wanted a four-poster bed.
A four-poster-bed is romantic,
Old Fashioned.
Beautiful, like a single string of pearls around your neck.
It is understated elegance.
When we moved into this house seven years ago,
Bubba let me purchase a four-poster bed.
Every night when I climb in I feel like a princess.
Surely all princesses sleep in four-poster beds!

I like to watch HGTV.
The problem is, though, the houses that are fixer-uppers
all end up looking exactly the same in various shades of white and gray.
Sleek modern lines,
open concept, 
good flow.
Basically one big room with all of the walls taken down.
I like spaces and warmth and color.
Why do I watch?
Because really, on TV, there is nothing else to watch.
I just need one hour to unwind in front of a show and then I drift off to my four-poster bed.

Except, and you may have noticed,
I now have a three-poster bed.
Seems as if my sweet, loving grandbabies love to hang onto the posts,
Nothing crazy, just kinda hanging there talking and laughing,
Several years of this has caused the screw to strip the wood.
One morning I found the right post leaning precariously.
Rather than tout disaster,
 I removed the post to the corner of my bedroom.

Which brings me to this conclusion.
I really need a handyman.
David can't fix it.
 Erika would probably come closer to being able to.
Maybe I could ask my lawn man.

If it is unrepairable
 I will have to start loving my three-poster bed.

🍂Fall bed.
I love how the light falls gently through the windows on these Autumn afternoons.

Light is everything.
Jesus is the light of the world.
 In Him there is no darkness at all,


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