Thursday, October 29, 2020


Today marks eight months since Bubba left me.
It was a Saturday,
about 2:30 in the afternoon,
the same time it is now as I write.
It is raining.
I like to write when it rains, 
when I can hear the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground outside my window.

You who read have followed my journey here.
I have poured out my heart.
My innermost thoughts have been recorded.
I won't even let myself go back and read my words...
too intimate, painful.
They will comfort me later I hope, but not right now.

When someone snaps a photo, I see grief etched on my face.
There is a drooping, a sadness, even when I smile.
For the last few weeks, I have been in real, physical, tangible pain.
My heart sometimes races.
I feel tired but cannot drift off to sleep.
I think, honestly,
 that Bubba's death and all its ramifications is finally hitting me. 
It really happened, he is gone. I am left behind.

This was God's plan, His will for Bubba and for me.
I don't for a minute doubt that truth.
God has not forsaken me, not for a single second.
"His divine power has granted to me everything I need for life and godliness."
I trust Him completely.

I found this little daisy in what's left of my garden last week.
It was standing tall, all alone.
It made me happy and was a reminder that "beauty comes out of the ashes."

I stay in God's word.
I'm holding tight to His right hand.
 It's what gets me from day to day.

I am looking forward to forever.
It's coming you know!
just cathy

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