Friday, June 11, 2021

can't let this steal my joy

I found this a little while ago.
My house is being framed with all of that wood that was delivered earlier this week.
I was over the moon with excitement.
These are the confines I will be living in soon.
So thankful!

My joy plummeted quickly to anger though. 
I had to run in on an errand.
I always take a little barely-there road in the metropolis of 
Thunderbolt, Georgia... 🗲
hardly ever any traffic.
The speed limit is 25mph, but I don't find that to be a problem.
I love to look at the scenery along the way.
There is a stop sign on a road that really isn't much of a road at all.
I didn't come to a complete stop.
I have no idea where he came from, 
but a policeman put on his lights and made me pull over.
I have a court date in August!
I'll probably just pay the fine.
There are no words!
There are words but I will keep them to myself because I support the police.
We need them and I'm thankful they are watching out for us.


Maybe I'm just mad at myself!

Can't let this steal my joy that my house is being framed today.



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