Monday, April 1, 2024

picture in a dirt pile as seen by me

At first, I texted Harry to see if he would make me an "Old Rugged Cross."
(He loves to build things)
He texted me back and said,
"Sorry, I can't do that, we don't have enough wood."
(Punctuation was added by Grammy.)
The real reason he couldn't do it was that he had to work all day at CFA.

I told Lucy about my dilemma when she came to help me hide eggs.
She said,
"I can do that."
She took a much simpler approach.
She found two fairly straight tree branches in the back forty.
You can see the finished product in the pic above.

So, that is a big pile of dirt from the construction site across from my house.
It is almost on my property but not quite.
Yesterday she planted the cross on top of the dirt pile and I was well-pleased.
It is leaning a little but that just adds to its beauty

I took this picture early this morning.
The cross was still standing.
There is so much to see...

I love the simple cross she made.
Jesus had been taken down from the cross and buried in a newly-hewn tomb.

We hid an egg in the hole in the ground you can see.
The stone was on top of the egg.
Someone removed the egg and put it in his basket leaving the stone to the side.

To me, this was such a clear depiction of what happened on Resurrection Sunday.
The stone had been set aside.
The tomb the stone had been covering was empty.
Our Savior was not there.
He had risen just as he said.

I see the shape of the bottom of a heart on that stone in the dirt pile.
The love of God sent Jesus to the cross to die for our sins.
@seeing 💗s

There is an abandoned palm branch thrown off to the side of the dirt pile.
All palm branches that welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem had been cast aside.

This photo had not been staged.
Only the cross was placed on the pile by my Lu.
I didn't notice any of these things yesterday when we were outside hunting eggs.

He is Risen!
He is Risen indeed!

Hope Bible Church
Resurrection Sunday


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