Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Discombobulated is the perfect word to describe my condition
 the morning after Hurricane Helene hit Savannah.

First of all, I slept through the storm.
We had no warning or watches.
School was not canceled.
Needless to say,
we were not prepared for what had happened while we were sleeping.

I knew immediately that the power was off.
The first thing I do when I wake up is look for the red numbers on my clock.
They were not there.
Black as the Ace of Spades.
There was no light anywhere.
 The city of Savannah was turned off by some master switch somewhere.

I always fix my coffee the night before.
It was ready to plug in but there was no power.
There would be no coffee.
I gathered some candles and flashlights,
got them going,
and went to sit down and think.

It was only a short time before David called.
He came quickly to my aid.
His home was powerless also.
Seems as if we lost it between midnight and 1:30 AM.

He showed me how to make coffee in the French Press Erika had given me.
He also showed me how to light my gas stove with a firestick.
Soon I had breakfast!
I cooked my bagel in the frying pan.

Thus started five days with no power.
More to come.


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