Monday, May 18, 2020

loving God with all your heart

Along the road of life, we need God.
To find our way through the maze of this sinful world, we need guidance.
To make important decisions, we need His wisdom.
To understand truth, we need His Spirit.
To learn to love others, we need to watch Jesus.
To overcome sorrow we need His comfort.
To be who He created us to be, we need to submit to His will.
To fight Satan, we need His word because that's how Jesus overcame His temptations.
To live eternally with God in heaven, we need to believe that Jesus' shed blood saves us from the devastating power of our sin and reconciles us to our Holy God.

When a great tragedy comes out of nowhere on a Saturday afternoon,
 God picks you up and carries you until you can stand on your own two feet again.
How do I know this?
When Bubba died, God was with me every minute.
His word was familiar to me and I knew from the start that He would never leave me or forsake me.
From years of reading and studying and hearing God's word preached,
I remembered His promises.  
I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that He had me by my right hand
 in the midst of my sorrow and my greatly diminished ability to think clearly.
He is faithful and shows lovingkindness to the brokenhearted. ðŸ’”

Read His word daily!
You will see how much He loves you and you will grow to love Him too.
You will know His truth and that truth will set you free in your own time of grief to remember His promises and to claim them as your own.
You'll be prepared when the storms of life come, 
and they will come!
He is faithful to His own.

He wrote us a book you know.
It tells us all we need to know about "life and godliness."
When you really get to know God you will love Him and praise Him for all eternity.

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