Thursday, October 10, 2024

milton the hurricane

the ferocious hurricane that we have watched and dreaded for days,
brushed past Savannah this morning with merely a sigh.
He was exhausted from all of the damage he caused in Florida overnight.

I woke up to misty rain and gusty wind,
but when I saw the red lights on my clock I knew he had spared us.
We all thought we would have round two, two weeks later,
but thankfully, God kept him away from our fair city.

The Hollingsworth family did not suffer any damage,
but they were surrounded by tornados that devastated neighborhoods very close to them.
So scary!

At 2:00 in the afternoon after Milton passed this morning,
 the winds are breezy in a bright blue, sun-filled sky.
Temperatures have cooled off a bit.
Could we be done with hot and humid for a while?
Could Fall be right around the corner?
Most of all,
could we be done with hurricanes for a while?

God in heaven, thank You.
You control the wind.
 I't goes where You command.
Be with those people who in the last two weeks have lost everything. 
May they find You in the process of recovery.

"And they
 (Jesus' disciples)
 became very much afraid and said to one another,
'Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?' "
Mark 4:41

It is Jesus who made heaven and earth.
Put your faith and trust in Him.


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