Thursday, November 1, 2018

i love halloween

What fun!
Trick or Treating with this group of characters.
We had...
Lucy as an Indian princess,
Harry as a Jedi,
Archie as Captain Hook,
Gus as Black Panther,
Walt as Peter Pan.

After a dinner of chili and cornbread,
we set out to comb the neighborhood for treats.
After an hour and half,
with plastic pumpkins and paper bags full of candy,
we were all worn out and ready to be done.

We met up with some real interesting imposters along the way.
The best was a T-Rex in a blow up costume. 
He put on a little show for us.
Bubba even greeted a man who he thought was dressed up like a vagabond.
Turns out he really was a vagabond
making his way amongst the other merry makers out for a night of fun.

Neighbors on our route really went all out with the decorations.
It made me very happy to hear our little entourage
saying "Thank You" and "Happy Halloween" at every stop.

We were so happy to follow this little guy around last night.
He has truly assimilated into the crazy things we do here in the USA.
Peter Pan!!
Never grow up!!

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