Monday, May 6, 2024

Jake graduates from high school this week

Jake is our firstborn grandson.
Bubba took this new role very seriously.
Jake and his granddaddy were tight from the start.
Bubba spent a lot of time imparting wisdom.
Jake listened very carefully.

 Bubba's death had a tremendous impact on Jake.
He credits it with being a turning point in his life.
Jake honored Bubba at his baptism last year by mentioning him in his testimony.

What a blessing Jake has been.
He has worked diligently to finish high school well.
He is a hard worker at Chick-fil-A.
He is always on time,
and eager to serve.
He loves our Lord Jesus and never misses an opportunity to attend church.
He loves his Mom and Dad and his brother Eli.
He is respectful.
He is neat and orderly.
He loves spending time with his friends.
He drives a black 2013 Honda Pilot.
He is a good driver and is Eli's favorite chauffeur.

God has richly blessed Jake.
I am so thankful that he is my grandson.
What joy he brings!


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