Sunday, May 26, 2024

hydrangea disaster

Yesterday, on an impulse, I decided to cut my beautiful hydrangeas,
put them in a vase,
and set them on my kitchen island.
My theory was simple...
I would pass by there multiple times a day 
rather than having to go out front and gaze upon their beauty maybe twice daily.

I made a homemade concoction to keep them fresh, 
trimmed the stems,
 and popped them in the vase.
Lovely bouquet,
Sadly, the hydrangeas wilted immediately.
I told myself to give them a minute,
they would pop back up when the concoction started working.

They didn't pop back up.
After about four hours I knew I had dealt my first hydrangeas to bloom in years a death blow.
The concoction of sugar and vinegar took them out.
I was so upset.
So mad at myself for being so stupid.
If I had left them outside they would still be putting on a gorgeous display

All of a sudden I thought to myself,
"Turn them over and hang them upside down."
They will make a nice showing and then they will dry to perfection.
Oh, and I put a purple satin bow at the top.


While I was waiting for the hydrangeas to revive,
I made a pecan pie from scratch.
It's best to be distracted while waiting for flowers to come back to life.



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