Monday, June 17, 2024

close encounter with a manatee

I can't really describe how incredible the boat day was.
Dylan was our driver and tour guide.
He is a good friend of Jake and Eli.
He has a boating license 
and a lifelong knowledge of all the Palm Beach, Florida waterways.

We met at the dock at eight in the morning.
The weather was gorgeous and we were all giddy with excitement.
The boat's speed, the wind blowing, and the sun beating down take your breath away.
Off we went into the unknown.
We made our way under the Blue Heron Bridge
gawking at the waterfront mansions and luxury yachts.

After about an hour we anchored at a beautiful spot.
Most everyone jumped out of the boat and took off down the beach.
David stayed behind standing in waist-deep water right next to the boat.

All of a sudden He started screaming in distress.
Out of the corner of his eye,
 he saw a massive black object swimming straight for him.
He thought he was just before being attacked by a shark.

Those who had stayed near the boat panicked, of course,
 but quickly realized the huge gray creature was not a shark 
but a sweet, slow-moving, people-loving manatee.
A Sea Cow.

Amanda got the picture.
David ended up with a great story to tell when we returned home.
We all had a rare and unexpected encounter with
one of God's exotic sea creatures.


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