Thursday, June 20, 2024

the last of the boat day pics

The bridge opening above us.
Our boat passed under at just the right moment.

A view of the golf course from our boat where David and Mark played the next day.

Harry found this huge starfish at one of the beaches along the river.

Gus is in one of his pensive moods.
Probably contemplating the large manatee that came to greet us.

These beautiful deep orange trees were all along the waterway.
They are Poinciana trees.

Standing on a sandbar in the middle of the river.

Teenage boys in a deep discussion on the sandbar.

David and I closely examining a shell that Harry found in the river.
I'm munching on some Cheetos,
standing in the water having a snack.

Driftwood on the beach of another island we visited.

This time Gus is sprawled out on the sandbar.

The Jupiter Lighthouse as viewed from our boat.

This was a magical day.
I've stored it away now in my memory and my blog.
We'll surely do this again, Lord willing.
Spend time with your family doing fun, exciting things.
Watch them grow and change.
Don't miss a thing.

My family is a gift from God.


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