Who do you run to?
Where do you run
when your heart hurts
and your soul is restless and seeking....
When there is a great big empty space in your heart
that hurts and won't be still?
This world that we live in
has nothing to satisfy our craving for
in our innermost being.
None of these work....
their pursuit may bring temporary relief
but the hurting heart remains,
the pain rising once again to the surface
when the panacea is over.
The God of heaven created us for Himself.
He knows the frame of mankind.
He knows that we are happiest and most content
when we are seeking Him.
For myself,
and I have learned this in the
"Life School of Very Hard Knocks,"
the only way I can
quiet my soul and bring peace to my heart is in
His Word.
I run to it and let it soothe
as nothing else on this earth can do.
Read God's word....
It fills the empty void with truth.
You will know God's plans
and why things are as they are in this world.
The believer's life will still be difficult
because this earth is not our permanent home,
but your life will be filled with
the joy of the Lord
which is utterly indescribable.