Saturday, December 18, 2021

let there be light

You can imagine my surprise yesterday when Erika called and told me,
"I'm at your house and you have electricity."
It just warms everything up and makes it feel like a home.

There are two of these "beaded beauties" in the front entryway.

There was a beautiful glass shower enclosure installed also.
There is nothing to step over as you enter
I want it to stay clean like that with no hard water spots.
Any suggestions?
I don't know why that door is in the shower stall.

There was also a "fence of separation" between me and my neighbors.
My own little outside oasis.
There will be white lights strung on those boards for sure.

Flooring is to be put in next week
(I hope).
What a nice Christmas present that will be.
It's getting close y'all!
It feels like home!

I'm wrapping presents today then heading to the beach. We ordered a new mattress that was delivered in a box. Need to set it up and get it ready for my Christmas guests. We are having Summer instead of Winter in Savannah.
Yes, the beach is calling.

Sunset at Tybee just now.
An absolutely beautiful sight.
Then as we were leaving the island,
the most gorgeous full moon was rising out over the ocean.
A heavenly show!


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