Sunday, July 7, 2024

some pics from Lu's graduation party

Seems like I'm always hanging balloons for a party.
🎈🎈🎈 make everything more festive.

Our beautiful Lucy.
What a joy she is!

The party was a drop-in from 2 to 4.
We served lots of mid-afternoon snacks and cold drinks and fruits and veggies.
The spread was laid out on my island.
Why oh why didn't I put the dish detergent and cleaning sponge under the sink???

Table flowers.
I used candles and old pictures of Lu lying casually on the table for the runner.
I didn't get a picture of the tablescape.
I've said this before...
I can't "host" a party and take good pictures.

Our church family.

Gus and his friends enjoying the snacks.

Kids upstairs in the "Kids Apartment."
They got out all of the toys in the closet and had a fun time.

Thanking God for the blessing of Lucy O"Quinn Cleland.
What a celebration!
What a good time of fellowship.

The verse in front of the vase of flowers...

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalms 46:10


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