Thursday, September 19, 2024

what happens when you take your grandson to hobby lobby

Walter is a good little shopper
. He helps me find what I'm looking for.
He is very patient when I am slow to make my choices.
He points out interesting things.

He is especially drawn to various shapes and sizes of decorative alphabet letters.
These ones were lightweight corrugated metal trimmed with real wood.
He always looks for the letters to spell out GRAM.
We took them from the display to a bench and made this picture place.

This one was taken back in August.
I had forgotten about it.
While skimming through my photo gallery,
I spotted it and wanted to get it on my blog which is the story of my life.

Yesterday I went to consult with a swallowing therapist.
The ravages of the radiation I underwent 6.5 years ago are manifesting.
I am having trouble eating...
getting food down.
I have lots of pain with this in so many ways.
I'm hoping they can help me.

Despite this, God is good all the time.
He gives me everything I need for life and godliness.
He is always very near.
He comforts me.
He sustains my life.
He daily loads me with benefits.
He keeps me otherwise healthy and strong.

God, teach me the truth you want me to learn from this trial.
Help me to glorify You in my life.
Thank You!


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