Saturday, September 14, 2024

wildlife up close

When Bubba and I lived at Southbridge we were plagued with herds of deer.
They would come in the late evening and eat all the blooms off our plants.
They were relentless.
They came every night.
We tried everything we knew of to stop them...
to no avail.
Bubba hated the deer.
I had more of a love/ hate relationship with them.

I spotted these two in my backyard a few weeks ago.
Along with their Moma,

These don't bother the plants on my patio or front porch.
But they have ravaged my blueberry bush.
  I enjoy watching them but wish they would leave my BB Bush alone.

Amanda came for a visit last week.
She keeps me very busy.
We eat out a lot.
But mostly we talk and laugh.
I am so thankful for her,

The Cleland part of the family is coming for pizza and salad this evening.
I made brownies...
to be topped with ice cream and cherries.
David has just returned from his tour of Greece.
There will be some great stories.



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