Sunday, June 10, 2012

sweet, sweet, fellowship

someone put this in words for me.....

"Sheep love to be together;
they do not like being alone;
there are no animals which take such pleasure in being in a flock,
and cling to each other's company so faithfully.

And so it is with true Christians:
it is their delight to meet each other and be together,
if possible.

It is their continual sorrow
that far too often
 they have to journey on alone,
without any who are
to commune with
about the things that
 their souls love most.
(This is what I long for more than anything)

Friends and relations
may be kind and affectionate,
they may have everything to make this world enjoyable~

but what Christ's sheep sigh and crave after
is to have with them
people who can enter into their secret feelings,
who understand the unseen workings of the inward man,
who can comprehend the hidden warfare which goes on in their hearts ~

People with whom they can take sweet counsel
about their souls' health and souls' trials,
with whom they can converse freely and unreserveably
 about their Lord and Master
and their hopes of forgiveness through His name."

Whitfield Chapel
Bethesda Orphange
Established in
My grandfather,
George Henry Hodges
was raised there.

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