Sunday, April 1, 2018

resurrection sunday

Today is the most important day of the year!
It is a cause for highest celebration.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead!
He conquered sin, death, and hell!
He paved the way to eternal life for ALL who believe.
What joy and gladness flood my soul!

My recovery continues!
Easter was spent at home today.
No wonderful gathering took place.
No great feast or Easter egg hunt.
Just quiet and rejoicing of what our Lord has done.
Thank God for the memories and the hope of what lies ahead.

Harry....I love him so much!
He carried on the tradition yesterday in his own back yard.
He organized a neighborhood egg hunt
complete with a golden egg filled with money for all of his friends.
It was a huge success!
Erika said he even stood around with his arms folded over his chest
like his granddaddy overseeing the whole thing.

He is Risen!!
He is Risen Indeed!

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