Tuesday, May 8, 2018

this picture

So, when David and Amanda were little our family, it seemed,
was always on a road trip.
We felt that the song "On the Road Again" was written just for us.
Bubba's job saw us practically raising our kids in hotel rooms.
Our permanent house in Savannah was just a place to wash clothes
and get ready for our next trip.
We always had a big van.

We had many sixteen hour days driving and having a ball....
listening to the radio and singing along to our favorite songs.
I remember one night approaching Denver, Colorado.
It was really late, we had been driving since early morning, and it was freezing.
I would hold wet wash cloths out the window,
they would freeze,
and we would hold them to our faces to wake us up.
David and Amanda would be sprawled in the back fast asleep.

Because of this we got to see so many sights,
so much of our beautiful country.
On this trip, Daddy and Moma and Frankie and Teri were with.
We had a brown and beige passenger van.
Bubba had built a table to go in the back - back.
That way we could carry more stuff.
This table also doubled as a sleeping place.
With a pillow and a sleeping bag this was a coveted spot.
Of course we were never encumbered with seat belts.

On one of these trips Bubba decided to drive us to the top of Pikes Peak in the huge van.
Never considering the hair pin curves and thousand feet drop offs,
off we went.
When we finally made it to the top we were all shell-shocked.
It was freezing.
We were dressed for summer.
When we jumped out of the car we could not breathe because of the altitude.
We were in a highly agitated state of mind.
Teri and I grabbed the kids blankets,
Yes that is David's Heide-Han and he is hediing it.
Who knows why Moma is on the ground.
But hey....we put on the smile,
at least the grown ups did,
took a picture to prove we made it to the top,
and jumped back in the van to get back down to where there was enough air to breathe.

So many great memories.
Laughter and good times abounded.
What a life we have had!!!

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