Saturday, December 8, 2018

Christmas music

Don't you just love the Christmas season?
Last night we were honored to go to downtown Savannah's Independent Presbyterian Church
 for an evening of Christmas melodies
performed by the students of Veritas Academy. 
I must say it did not disappoint. 
The only downer was that Lucy was not able to be there.
 She happens to be in New York City which is another whole realm of excitement in itself. 
While we were being entertained,
 she was taking a carriage ride through Central Park.

The boy in the green sweater and the boy from Ethiopia were our stars.
All of the children performed beautifully.
They were dressed in their best Christmas outfits,
and their voices sounded like the voices of angels.
I think they covered every one of our most favorite songs.
The beautiful church made it even more enjoyable.

Thank you Lord for all of the talent in that auditorium last night.
Thank you for the teachers.
Thank you for the parents that sacrifice to have their kids at practice.
Thank you that the kids sang to glorify You,
to lift their little voices up to praise the God who made them.
I believe those sounds were a foretaste of what heaven will sound like.

We also enjoyed watching how this little boy from China enjoyed the performance.
He stood in the aisle for almost two hours with a program in his hand.
He was mesmerized.
Won't be long before he will be up there singing his little heart out too.

What a wonderful night!

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