Monday, December 10, 2018

tree delivered

Bubba and I get our Christmas tree from Hester and Zipperer's every year.
They deliver it and set it up for us.
As we get older that just makes the whole process a lot easier.
We met there on Saturday morning to choose our tree.
I got there before he did.
We like to wait until closer to Christmas Day to get our tree so that it will stay fresh and green.

Much to my dismay,
the tree lot was almost empty.
This has never happened before.
There were four trees left.
Of the four, one of those was sold.
Of the three left, there were two stragglers and one beauty.
The beauty was ten feet tall.
The nice man said not to worry,
"We can cut the tree to make it any size you would like."
I committed.
When Bubba arrived and heard my story he was skeptical to say the least.
"Too big" he said.

The nice delivery guy had to do more"surgery" on the stump to get it in the tree stand.
He and his helper then brought it in the house and leveled it.
He left with a warning...
"That's a huge tree for that stand."

Bubba is going to wire it to the wall when he gets the lights on.
I love Christmas Tree 2018!!

Post script...
This morning the reckoning...
The tree stood tall all night.
Now to get it attached to the wall via a strong wire and fill in the dark spots with lights.

Size comparison...
Bubba is a little over six feet tall.

One more thing...
I know you think I am a bit tree obsessed but,
here is today's picture of the tree out front.
Only about 12 leaves remain.
Nature at its best.
Trees shed every last leaf to make room for new growth in a couple of months.
The cycle of life never changes,
God makes everything beautiful in His time...
even a completely bare-branched tree.

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