Friday, May 3, 2019

a room in front of the ocean

Finally a quiet week is approaching.
I just booked this room for our "Happy Anniversary" getaway.
Almost a month late, but that's alright.
I just want to sit on that deck at night and hear the ocean.
I want to take early morning walks on the beach.
I want to lay in a beach chair and read and soak up some sun.
What could be a better way to celebrate 49 years of marriage?

I have spent this week tired.
Lindsey's shower last weekend was so much fun but,
it flat out wore me out.
The course of radiation last year rendered me needy...
needy for an afternoon nap every day.
Maybe it's because I am seventy-one years old.
Maybe I can't go at the pace I used to.
Maybe I'm not able to do what I used to be able to.
Actually, I hear that a power nap is good for you.
Whatever is the reason...
I need one.

Anyway, a little respite in front of the ocean is just what I need.
Let me count all the ways I am thankful!


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