Sunday, May 12, 2019

happy mother's day

God's amazing grace made me a mom.
He chose to gift me with two beautiful children.
Being a mom was always the desire of my heart and 
He blessed me with David & Amanda.

Bubba gave me red roses and the lovely top I am wearing for Mother's Day.
When I became a mom he became a daddy.
Together we committed to raise our family to the best of our ability in the 
"nurture and admonition of the Lord."
It wasn't always easy.
 We didn't by any means do it perfectly.
But, He took our feeble efforts and made our children into people He could use for His purposes.
God trusted them to us,
placed them under our care for a short while to be taught His ways...
to love Him with all of their hearts,
to be equipped to go out and live their own lives in His service.

Without the constant grace and mercy of the Lord, our efforts would have been in vain.

Being a mom, being parents, being a dad is God's highest calling for humans.
How very humbling is the process.
How amazing is the road of parenthood.
Thank you God for this awesome and sobering opportunity.

And then you begin to see the fruit of your labors.
You watch them grow.
 You pray for their health and safety.
You lead and guide.
You weep and lament your mistakes.
You watch them make mistakes.
You praise God when they make good choices and you pray, pray, pray for them.
You watch them become young men and young women.
You meet the spouses for whom you have prayed day in and day out.
You see God's intended purpose for their joining together as one.
You see the children that God entrusts to your children.
You watch them grow and develop and come to know the Lord.
It is indeed the circle of life being played out before your very eyes.

We celebrated yesterday evening at Papa's Restaurant.
Lucy came in the door carrying that big, beautiful planter 
filled with flowers that you see in the picture above..
"We love you Grammy!"
That says it all.


Thank you God for the opportunity to be a Mom!!!

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