Monday, July 8, 2019

our july 4th celebration

First and foremost,
a beautiful table setting.
Bouquet from Cathy's backyard garden.

Amanda enjoying some watermelon.
Wouldn't be July 4th without it.

Granddaddy with Jake and Eli.
Notice that it is storming outside.
Wouldn't be July 4th without a good thunderstorm.

Outside lined up for lawn darts.
David really gets into them.
He was keeping score and cheering someone on..

Our little Walt loves the American flag.

You can see some of my flowers.
They had just gotten beaten down by the rain.
We have that droopy, wet look.
We got these outside activities in between two major thunderboomers.

Next came the sparklers.
We had long Neons and Morning Glories.
So much fun!

Jake and Harry became Jedi's and used their sparklers as light sabers.
For some reason the sparklers created a large amount of smoke.
Kinda eerie looking.

Next came the fireworks.
Mark was our fireworks master.
He did such a good job of setting them off.
No one was injured.
David provided our music from his phone.
He chose a song from
 The Greatest Showman.

The Grand Finale was aptly named
Baby Bubba.
The fireworks went up to the top of the trees.
We were all in awe of the display, and,
It was in our own back yard.
They were very loud too.
So exciting!

I call this one
"Just hanging out in the backyard after the fireworks display."
We were all in a state of euphoria by this time.
What a wonderful 4th of July.
One of the best ever.
Hooray for the red, white, and blue!


*photos taken by amanda

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