Saturday, February 22, 2020

take your grandkids on a cruise...they will love it

Jake, Eli, Archie ~ swimming at Amber Cove

Lucy zip-lining.
All of the kids wanted to do this but you had to be fourteen.

Archie & Harry in St. Thomas.
Chillin' ~ It was hot.
We saw lots of chickens and roosters strutting around.


The boy cousins at the fort in Puerto Rico.
Boys love old cannons!

Harry climbing a rock face.
This is one of the things that he does best.
He made it to the top by the way...barefooted.


Our four year old boy wonder Walter at the fort.

Boy soldiers!

We saw lots of Iguanas.
Mark took this close-up for me.
I couldn't get anywhere near that big guy.


Walt started putting on quite the show on this round stage.
He was pulling off some amazing moves...
quite spontaneously.


Harry found a gorgeous piece of driftwood for me.
I couldn't take it back on the boat.

Gus allowed himself to be buried in the sand at Grand Turk Island.

Lucy got her hair braided!

Of course they loved the folded towel animals.

🐈🐢🐘 🐯

The candy shop was a huge hit!
I took them there on the last day because I had gotten a 5$ off coupon for my birthday.
I spent almost 25$.
Should have known I wouldn't get out of there cheaply.


Bubba and I were so proud of these kids.
They got along so well,
 found so many things to do...
never once got bored.
They represented all of us so well with their good manners and good attitudes all week.
We would take them again in a minute!



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