Monday, June 17, 2013

one year and one half year

That's how long
Cornerstone Church of Savannah
has existed.

Why would you want to come to
Cornerstone Church?

We meet in a gym,
surrounded by red and blue exercise balls
and a whole row of exercise bikes.
Full length mirrors cover the walls.
The room temperature is kept at a notch above freezing.

We are a rag tag group of believers.....
some of us were there when the church began,
others have found us on the internet,
others by word of mouth.

In the corner of the room on Sunday mornings at ten o'clock
you will find a coffee pot full of steaming coffee
and a little something sweet to eat.
Children abound,
and they keep coming.
The nursery is full and booming.

Nothing beautiful in our surroundings,
but we are so thankful 
that God has provided a place for us to meet together.

What is true.....
the church is not the building we meet in,
the church is the people...
people in whom Jesus Christ is reigning in their hearts.
People who are hungry to hear the word of God proclaimed
and in a way that they can understand,
equipping them to go out and live their faith in the world.

So then....
why would you want to come to
Cornerstone Church of Savannah?
What is our purpose....
Making the truth of God's word beautiful,
sought after,
 as if it were bread for a starving man.

Causing us to leap for joy at the hearing
and to go home 
and desire to read it 
and study it 
and share it with others,
because it is the best thing in our lives here on this earth.

God's word is preeminent and everything else follows after.

"I am writing these things to you,
hoping to come to you before long;
but in case I am delayed,
I write so that you may know 
how one ought to conduct Himself in the household of God,
which is the church of the living God, 
the pillar 
and support of the truth."
I Timothy 3: 14 & 15

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