Sunday, November 3, 2013

ways to dispel darkness

Daylight Savings Time...
dark at six o'clock,
I dread it coming every year.
It is here now,
so what can we do to make it better?

Take a long walk in the sunshine.
Soak up some rays and hope they last until morning.

Light up a cozy fall scene...
its cheerfulness will dispel some of the gloom.

Light a turkey votive.
Somehow a turkey burning helps......
I really don't know why.

Light lots of candles.
Put acorns and pumpkins and peas in the bottom.
Think about the fun you had 
picking up the acorns from under a tree in the daylight.

Jump for joy 
when your husband announces
he is going to make a pot of fresh crab stew.  
It was delicious.

Have a fire in your new fireplace.
Tried this...the new logs didn't work at all.
Wanted to cry but didn't.
That would only make the depression of early darkness worse.

remember this....
"The light of the world is Jesus."
This one truth drives away all of the darkness and despair.

"God is light and in Him is no darkness at all."
1 John 1:5

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