Tuesday, April 29, 2014

this & that just because.....

So, I wasn't going to write tonight,
but here I am at my computer...
fingers moving on the keys.

Just returned from a bike ride.
I went looking for the three deer I saw the other evening.
They were nowhere to be seen.

Yes, I did recover from my first day of water aerobics.
I was helped immensely by a 
"long winter's nap"
this afternoon.
I sat down to do a little reading at about 2:30
and the next thing I knew it was almost 4:00.
I am not a napper,
except when my body claims if for its own.

Enjoyed lunch today with Sandra at,
The Mansion on Forsyth Park.
After a divine crab cake sandwich,
we enjoyed
some ice cream from Leopolds,
made especially for them and served only there,
that was incredibly delicious....
rum raisin with cloutifa.
I will go back for that.

Sandy, the picture did not turn out.
I left the sym card at home.

The above flower is my peony.
It doesn't look like the peony I know and love,
but it still takes my breath away.

Got to go.
Water aerobics again tomorrow.
Will take water this time.

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