Monday, April 28, 2014

water aerobics

My first time.

The room was hot and humid.
The pool water seducingly warm,
inviting me to come on in,
grab some weights, 
start moving.

I had heard it would be good for me......
less stress on the joints,
but my friends,
it was positively therapeutic.
I was jumping and jogging and whipping up the water
like never before.
When the instructor said
"Jump higher,"
I did.
Over and over again.
I had wings,
I felt like I could do anything,

When I got out of the pool I felt............................
like I weighed 1000 pounds,
like I was going to faint,
like I was 100.

What happened?
I drug into the locker room,
held on while trying to get dressed,
needed water, lots.
I managed to drive home
and here I am.
I feel like I have jarred loose everything in my body.

I am nuts.
I know better.
Take it slow.
Go at your own pace.
I didn't.
Will next time.

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