Friday, October 20, 2017

florida loves

We just got back from spending almost a week with
Amanda, Jake, and Eli.
Even though the trip was a whirlwind of fun and exhausting,
I came back home refreshed and happy.
So nice to go do something different and be with those you love.
Mark spent the week in India.

When we arrived,
Amanda had made her famous and delicious cookies for me.
They are definitely a labor of love and we enjoyed them all week.
She made her Dad a peach cobbler which is his favorite.

We went to the "Bins" which is always a hoot....
to Ikea for a day of shopping for things for her house,
Nordstrom Rack, which requires some serious  and extensive searching.
and various and sundry places in between.
We also got to go to most of our favorite restaurants.
Being with my daughter is so much fun!!
She restores me!!

I always have to include a picture of Norman, their kitty cat.
In this picture he had jumped up on the sofa and was sitting straight up on his hind legs.
Norman is always good for a few laughs.

One night Eli was doing silhouettes of Norman on the bedroom wall.
I got a few shots of his handwork.
Our grandsons are so much fun to be around.

Thank you God tonight for our safe trip
and for the fun times with these precious ones I love so much!

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