Wednesday, August 29, 2018

God's handiwork

I am constantly amazed at the beautiful things I see.
This lovely was outside of a restaurant just minding its own business.
Even with a flower that is here today and gone tomorrow,
God does His best work.
Oh how I look forward to His Kingdom.
What glories must await us there!
I love my life and my people,
but I long for heaven.
Just to have the weight of sin lifted.
I cannot even imagine.

A couple of things...
I am not convinced that the little pills to help my food taste better are working.
They do create a little more moisture in my mouth,
but it doesn't last.
Probably will stop taking. 

Optimistically, though, I do think things are improving.
I am off of the Panera Broccoli Cheese soup...
Ingesting the same thing for two meals every day for 4 months
had caused my mouth to become a salt pit.
I think the salt was inhibiting my taste buds.
Being off of the soup since this past Sunday is revolutionary.
I think it is helping.
I am having to make myself decide to choose
new and different things to eat.
Those who know me well know what a challenge this is.
Eating still not a pleasure for me.

Have you noticed that the days are starting to get shorter?
Seems as if, like it or not, summer is leaving us.
I won't miss the heat but I will miss the light.
Almost time for pumpkins, and candles, and sweaters.
I do love the anticipation of fall!

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