Friday, August 10, 2018

the blessings of home

Big, tall windows with light flooding in.
Flowers on the porch that I can see from within.
An antique dining room suite,
scratches, and nicks, and all.
A beautiful chandelier making prisms on the wall.
Our Thomas Kincade...
Hometown Chapel.

A close-up of those flowers.
They are sitting on an antique Singer sewing machine.
They are planted in an antique fireplace grate.
Thank you to Bubba for making these flowers happen for me.
Thank you to the deer for staying away and letting them grow.

A comfy place to sit and read.
This room is all windows.
I feel like I am sitting in the yard here.
Notice the gorgeous bamboo throw...
a gift from a friend during my recovery.

A touch of whimsy here and there.
White lights around the pass through.
Sparkling stars.
My farm sink.
The huge, unexpected airplane...
a nod to Bubba's career in the Air Force.
Hodie's antique mirror.

The summer bed.
White quilt and shams.
White Linens.
Gray, ruffled Europeans.
The bulge is a bar of soap we sleep with every night.
It keeps leg cramps (Bubba) far away.
It smells nice too.

A picture I took and had made into a canvas.
This is Tybee at it's finest.
A pillow I love!!

A place to sit when guests come over.
French doors to the porch.
Again...that flood of light.
Moma and Daddy's antique chairs.
My favorite bookcases filled with memories.
Lots of good times have happened here.

My desk! 
My world!
I do everything here.
It's the one place I allow to be messy.
Too much happens here for it to be tidy.

Another peek out of a window.
I cannot say how many times a day I look outside 
and thank our God in heaven for the beauty of His creation.
Our flowers make both of us happy!

This house is filled with memories of things that I love.
Every shell in this container was hand picked from some beach somewhere 
either by me or one of our grandkids.
Hodie's antique chair covered in beach fabric.
This is the beach room.

Pictures, pictures everywhere.
Framed memories of the grandkids growing up.
Yes, the pictures from our family vacation this year
are already on display.

This August marks five years since we moved into this house.
We searched long and hard for the home God had for us.
Living here has been a blessing from the very beginning.
I loved choosing the colors and the floors and everything.
For the last six months the house has been an extra special blessing.
I've spent many long, lonely days house bound while recuperating from cancer.
It is comfortable and comforting.
I cannot say enough thanksgivings to our God for His provision.

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