Sunday, August 25, 2019

churches & roses & blue rubber gloves

No church until 4:00 today.
A group is using the camp at Wesley Gardens this morning. 
We got bumped until this afternoon.
That's a good thing.
Nice to shake things up a little.
Feel like a fish out of water being home on a Sunday morning!

Why don't you come join us?
We are having dinner together after the service in the big house.
Great time of fellowship!

Okay...a flower saga.
Bubba saw a blurb on the internet,
where else,
that explained how to grow beautiful long stem red roses in your own backyard.
I went back to Whole Foods and bought another dozen roses.
Here they are...

This is where it gets a little sketchy...

You buy twelve ordinary yellow potatoes.
While arranging the roses, cut off as much of the stem as you desire.
Using a drill with a bit,
make a hole in the potato.
Insert one inch of the rose stem into the hole in the potato.
(wear blue rubber gloves) 😯
this last step is optional.

Plant the potatoes with the rose stems inserted into some rich black dirt.

Cover the potatoes completely.
Keep in a partly sunny spot.
Keep moist.
Keep hoping that in about three months
 I will have my own long stem roses growing in my own backyard.

What do you think are the chances this will work?
I'll keep you posted.

Keeping my fingers crossed.
Will talk to them daily.
Hope the animals don't come and eat the potatoes.

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