Monday, August 19, 2019

the life of a reader

These nine vignettes describe me perfectly.
There is nothing better than reading a good book.
The one in the middle is especially true.
A feeling of great sadness descends upon me when a good book ends.
I want more!
I want the story to go on and on.

I have 3 different books going right now.
My book stack of "books to be read" is in the bottom drawer of my nightstand by my bed.
The running list of books I want to read is always in my purse.
Nothing makes me happier than knowing I have a good book to fall asleep with.
I am rereading a chapter in a book right now because it was so beautifully written.
Yes, when I see Gone With The Wind I am transported back to my youth,
I keep all of the books I love.
If anything ever happens where I can't buy books anymore,
I have a whole library in the attic.
Somehow this is very comforting to me.

And, lastly,
there is nothing better than going into a bookstore.
I take a deep breath.
get a huge smile on my face,
and dig in.
One never knows what treasure she will find.
I'll be at Barnes & Noble on Thursday.
They're having a 50% off sale.


One of life's great joys!


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