Saturday, November 16, 2019

before thanksgiving?

I have this amazing piece of furniture in our living room.
Bubba bought it for me right after we moved into our dream home.
It has space for twelve individual scenes.
I have collected these Christmas treasures for too many years to count.
It is my pleasure each year to make them come to life.

I am a big proponent of no Christmas until after Thanksgiving,
but, in the interest of time,
I allow myself a head start on this task.
This past week I got started.

I have lots of trees as you can see.
They don't all go in the bookcases though.
They also go in other scenes around the house.
The trees are an important part of making the scenes come alive.

This project requires lots of time, lots of thought, and some steady hands.
I finished yesterday morning.

Here is the finished project.
The top shelves are filled with antique items from both of our families.
I could stand and look at these scenes forever.
Each item has special significance and is lovingly displayed every Christmas.
So thankful for these memories.

And the secret?
I close the doors and turn off the lights and just like magic it is Fall again.
.Almost time to celebrate the wonderful holiday called Thanksgiving.

@all for the love of the holidays!
Happy Fall ya'll.

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