Sunday, November 10, 2019

grandparents day ~ 2019

One of my favorite days of the year!
On Grandparent's Day we get to go to school with our grandkids.
Their classroom doors are open wide.
The children eagerly recite and perform for us.

Gus and his classmates recited the Lord's Prayer in Latin.
That is so amazing to me.
It is so much fun to see them in their element.
Gus is in third grade this year.
He is still so excited to see us come in.

Archie is in fourth grade.
He too was excited to see us come through the door.
He showed us all around,
we met his teacher and saw his workspace.

Harry is in sixth grade.
Him...not so excited
 or at least he didn't appear to be excited to see his granparents in front of his peers.
 His class was playing a game.
 It was fun to see him interacting with his friends.
 And, I think secretly he was very proud to see us there.

Walter is in Pre K.
He had worked so hard and was so excited for us to come to his classroom.
He woke up sick and wasn't able to go to school.
We visited his classroom anyway and got all of the goodies he had made for us.
Maybe next year.

We didn't visit Lucy's class.
After sixth grade we don't get to go any more.
Lu is in the eighth grade this year.
We did get to see her and all of the other students perform later in the morning.

Lucy and her logic music class are learning to play the ukulele.
They put on quite a show for us.

Now all of the things they made will reside on our refrigerator for a while.


Their school, Veritas Academy, is so amazing.
The teaching encompasses a Biblical world view of all subjects.
Latin is taught in each grade.
God and Jesus Christ His Son are honored and exalted in all areas.

The key to education is learning how to think.
Each child is taught logic also.
I am very, very thankful that this school is thriving in downtown Savannah!

I got wet in a rain shower getting from my car to the school,
and when I got back to my car I had a parking ticket. ☹️
It was worth it though.
I wouldn't have missed it from the world.

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