Friday, March 27, 2020

the words i read this morning...

we on this dying earth can relax and rejoice for our loved ones who are in the presence of Christ. 
As the apostle Paul tells us, 
though we naturally grieve at losing loved ones,
 'we are not to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope'
 (1 Thessalonians 4:13). 
Our parting is not the end of our relationship, only an interruption. 
We have not 'lost' them, because we know where they are.
They are experiencing the joy of Christ's presence in a place so wonderful that Jesus called it Paradise. 
And one day, we're told,
 in a magnificent reunion, they and we 'will be with the Lord forever.' 
'Therefore encourage one another with these words' 
(1 Thessalonians 4:17-18)."

Randy Alcorn

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1

Do you see the comfort in these words?
The hope?
This is where I draw my strength.
This is how I face the next day.
This is why my hope is in Christ and nothing else.
This is eternal life!

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