Monday, March 30, 2020

what do i do?

I filled this pot with a roast yesterday morning.
Then I cut up lots of potatoes and carrots and popped it in the oven for two and one-half hours.
What came out was delicious.

We cook with propane gas.
One of the burners sputtered when I turned it on.
I had a moment of panic when I realized I could be out of gas.
I was also cooking green beans and corn on the cob.
the meal cooked perfectly.

This morning I called the gas company and asked them to come
"Fill me up."
Those are the things that Bubba took care of.
Now it's up to me.

We need rain so badly. the lawn looks parched.
I have no idea how to turn the sprinkler system on.
Bubba put it on a timer to come on early in the morning.
I cannot find the instruction book.
What do I do?

I need my new printer set up.
I need someone to help me move the geraniums that have wintered on the back porch.
I still don't know whether to fertilize the lemon trees or not.

Trying to find my way in a maze of unknowns.
I think I'm doing okay but sometimes I just don't know the things I need to know.
This will get easier.
Praying for wisdom and knowledge of practical things,
for patience when I get overwhelmed,
and for a heart filled with thankfulness for all that I am able to accomplish.

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