Monday, February 26, 2024

tropical rain storm


When we realized that the storm had set in for a while,
we decided to make our way back to the ship.
Little did we know how hard that would be.

This photo was taken right before the heavy rain started.
We were still taking pictures and doing touristy things.
The clouds were heavy with moisture and headed straight for us.
The ship seemed close.

Early in the morning we disembarked from the ship and made our way
to this little cluster of shops and restaurants that you see above.
This is where we all made a mad dash to get back to when the deluge came.
Somehow Amanda and I ended up separated from the boys.
We ideled in a gift shop waiting for the rain to subside.
It never did.
Somehow, thankfully,
 I ended up with the fourth poncho that Mark had purchased.

Side Note...
Grammy and her seven grandchildren.
Make note of my beautiful, new, white, Hoka tennis shoes bought just for the cruise.

At some point, we decided to make a mad dash for the Escape.
A mad dash for me is a fairly fast walk.
The boat wasn't that far.
By the time we got near the gangplank, 
we were completely drenched.
My new white tennis shoes were filled with water.
They were so heavy I could barely lift my feet.

The saving grace was the big blue beach towels the crew were handing out to all of the wet rats who were so thrilled to be back on the boat.

Seeing hearts,
even on a rainy day.

Tropical rain storms are the best!

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