Saturday, April 20, 2013

sitting in a spot of sunshine

Sometimes I sit here in this little square of sunlight.
Especially when it is cold outside...
it just feels good to seek out the warmth and the beautiful rays.

It's a good place to read,
 to pray,
to contemplate life 
as given by God for me to enjoy.

 Again we have gone through a time of terror.
Two men,
hearts filled with hate,
feel powerful and invincible.
Thinking they had gotten away with their dreadful deed,
resumed normal life.
But not for long....
One of them is dead and the other seriously wounded.
Wonder what the one who survived is thinking now?

I thought of these verses that I wrote a couple of weeks ago....

"The man of the earth 
sits in the lurking places of the villages; 
in the secret places,
 he murders the innocent."
Psalm 10: 8

God is real...
He will not be mocked.
He is a righteous judge and He loves righteousness.
One day,
soon I hope,
Jesus will return and make everything right.
There will be no more sin.

"The man of the earth will cause terror no more."
Psalm 10:18

Can't wait...

Even though this life is wonderful,
(I contemplate that too when I sit in the sunlight),
I look forward to the day when the weight of sin
is removed from this earth.
We have a promise....
He keeps all His promises.

Jesus said,
"Surely I am coming quickly."
"Even so, come Lord Jesus!"
Revelation 22:20

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