Thursday, March 13, 2014

nothing but mistletoe

It came back this morning...
the cold weather returned late last night
while we were sleeping.
The wind howled,
and swirled,
knocked on the windows and doors,
and when we woke up,
it had arrived.

These trees are across the street.
They are stripped bare.....
winter trees.
I think winter trees are beautiful.
I love looking at the mistletoe.
Soon these tress will be filled with new green leaves,
hiding these bundles.
Right now,
they are calling for someone to come stand under.

"There you see her
sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say,
but there's something about her
and you don't know why,
but you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl."

Kiss the Girl ~ The Little Mermaid

I'm going across the street to sit under the mistletoe
to see what happens. :)

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