Saturday, September 13, 2014

river street ~ savannah

What an experience....
a walk down
River Street in Savannah, Georgia.
Serious tourists abound,
but a real treat for us locals as well.

It is a happening place,
alive with
music, food, treats,
boats and hotels,
souvenir shops,
and various and sundry tents and kiosks
selling low country fare.
Such a fun place to spend an afternoon or evening.
(not my picture)

 More on the Stone 

 On Thursday
I went to my doctor for an X-ray.
Happy go lucky, smiling to myself I say.....
"This is so unnecessary,  that stone is so long gone."
After the X-ray the PA comes in.
Mrs. Cleland, the stone is......
still there.

How can the stone still be there?
The pain is gone 
I feel great.
Sorry dear, it is readily visible on the film.
Drink a lot of water and
we will see you back here in a week.
Hopefully it will be gone,
but if not......

So, I'm a walking time bomb.
At any moment
that thing could decide to tear loose.

In the meantime,
Lucy and I went to the beach today.
we spent three hours IN the pool.

#living normal life.
#will worry about it when and if it happens.

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