Friday, June 15, 2018

a wild & wonderful week

Amanda came last Sunday with Jake & Eli.
She came to get me out and about some.
Since the radiation I have tended to become a bit of a hermit...
content to stay here in the house,
safe and warm,

Bubba and she decided it was time to get me going again.
It has been good for me.
Each morning we had a planned activity.
today we got pedicures.
I have done well.
I come home every day after lunch exhausted,
but that's okay.
Sometimes I feel like I may be normal again.

Last night we celebrated Amanda's birthday with the family.
Harry had been planning to put on a play for weeks.
It happened last night.
All of us have to go upstairs and pile in the kids room.
Above you see the whole cast in costume.
All I know is...
Archie said something really funny
and I laughed my head off.
So good for me to laugh like that!

Thanks to everyone who is helping me get better.
My family is the best blessing.
They are everything to me.
God knows just what I need!!!

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