Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy, Happy New Year ~ 2019

New Year's Eve is always a big celebration  around here.
I marinated a pork loin roast for 24 hours.
Everybody raved about how good it was.
We had black eyed peas with rice and all the fixings,
a squash casserole,
habenero corn bread,
and lots of hot pepper sauce.
For dessert I made a chocolate surprise.

The highlight of the night, of course, was sparklers.
We had the regular short guys and these extra long neon ones.
The kids (and their parents) go nuts!
They (the kids) were running around the house shouting
Happy New Year!!
The parents stay focused (mostly) on the potential fire danger 
and closely monitor the situation.
I will just share some of my pictures of the sparkler fun...

Lucy got two big ones to start us off.

Walt's first time playing with fire.


Not easy to get all of them to stand still for a picture.

Sparklers are amazing to look at and so much fun.
No one even got injured which in itself is a bit of a miracle. 

Granddaddy, David, and Harry lighting up.

Grammy and the littlest boys.

Just before the party ended we did some scratch offs but nobody won any money.

What a wonderful New Year's Eve.
No one waited for the ball to drop before we called it a night.
The neighborhood sounded like bombs were dropping until the wee hours of the morning.
I could hear them from just on the other side of the haze of sleep.

New years are always exciting.
We'll see what plans God has for this new year...

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