Saturday, January 12, 2019

my Lucy tree

She knows me so well.
She teaches me so much.
The tree that Lucy gave me for Christmas is perfect.
It fits right in with my "after Christmas" decorations.

She bought it in New York,  
guarded it safely through the crowded streets,
 and brought it home to place under my tree.
She knew it was the perfect gift for her Grammy.

Our house is filled with snowflakes and snowmen.
All of my lighted house scenes are still out and about.
Candles, silver balls, and tiny white lights make things sparkle and glow.
These things are why I love winter.

I think a lot about heaven.
As I get older it just makes sense.
That's were I'm heading as this is not my permanent home.
The Bible says heaven will be filled with God's light.
That is a happy thought.
I love light.
Light brings comfort.
Light brings joy and peace.

Thanking God this afternoon for my temporary home...
a place of peace and rest,
a place of beauty.
It is lived in, loved, and beautiful.
It is His gift.

Thanking God also for Lucy...
 a girl with a sweet spirit and a heart of compassion.
I love her so much!

What blessings abound in my life.

"Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of lights, 
with whom there is no variation, 
or shifting shadow."
James 1:17

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